Product Appearance and Structure
Air Outlet
Display Screen
Operation Panel
Operation Panel
Water Tank
Air Inlet (On Both Sides)
Indicator Light of Air Quality
Air Inlet (On Both Sides)
Product Features
The primary filtration uses an aluminum alloy filter located in the pre-filter. It is mainly used for filtering
dust larger than 5 microns, including large dust particles, dander, pollen, floating debris, and other
pollutants. It can be washed many times and used repeatedly.
Cold Catalyst Filter
1. The catalytic decomposition reaction of the cold catalyst does not require UV rays, high temperature,
or high pressure. In normal living environments it can play a catalytic effect in controlling air pollution.
2. The main components of the cold catalyst come from additives found in food and pharmaceuticals. It
is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-flammable. Under normal temperature conditions, the catalytic
reaction can remove formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, TVOC and other harmful gasses. The reaction
creates water and carbon dioxide. It does not produce any secondary pollution. It is a safe and
environmentally friendly product on the cutting edge, suitable for a healthy home.
3. During the catalytic reaction, the cold catalyst itself is not directly involved in the reaction. The cold
catalyst does not change nor is lost. Because of this, without any external damage, this filter will
effective for more than five years. It is basically synched with the release of the formaldehyde for
long-term control.
Cellular -Activated Carbon Filter
The cellular-activated carbon carries high efficient additives. It has good absorption and dust collection
Antibacterial Cotton Filter
The antibacterial filter is a precision filter trapping particles with a diameter of 5 microns. At the same
time there is an antibacterial agent added into the filter, can effectively killing any airborne germs at an
effectively killing 99% or more of bacteria.
High Efficiency HEPA Filter
The effective HEPA filter filters airborne germs, smoke and dust particles 0.3 microns large at a rate of
99% or more. In combination with the multifunctional filter, the HEPA filter can filter out microscopic
particles larger than 20 nanometers in diameter, including bacterial mold, dust, allergens, and some
viruses, while filtering out smoke. According to the World Health Organization, the avian flu virus,
influenza virus, and Legionella bacteria are greater than 20 nanometers. The HEPA filter can filter them
Sterilizing UV light
UV sterilization using 365 nanometer UV wavelengths light can kill a variety of airborne bacteria. The
UV disinfection lamp is generally used for air, surface, and water disinfection. It can purify the air,
eliminate musty odors, as well as produce a certain amount of anions. This makes the air fresh while
avoiding the spread of viruses in the air or on surfaces.
Anion Purifier
A large amount of anions are released into the air, which oxygen molecules then add to their outer shell
to obtain a negative charge. It has an extraordinary ability to combine with positively charged floating
dust, smoke, bacteria, and viruses indoors. This makes free floating debris fall, thus purifying the air
and environment without harm to humans. These ultrafine particles are difficult to filter out with common
mechanical equipment. Anions in the air have a special ability to capture these harmful substances.
The smaller the size of the particle, the higher the capture rate. It is an effective way to eliminate these
Display Screen