Rough Sound/Clicking
If the seamer makes a loud clicking noise during the seaming
operations, it is likely that the timing belt is slipping.
Remove the belt cover retaining screw and pull the belt cover
off the machine. Loosen the (4) screws located on each side
of the frame (8 screws total). Slide the motor back to
tighten the belt and re-tighten the screws. The belt only
needs to be tight enough to take up the slack.
Belt Slips Off
You may need to re-align the small driver pulley after tight-
ening the belt, or if the motor becomes out of alignment
during shipping. To do that, loosen the set screw located on
the side of the pulley and raise or lower the pulley to
center it relative to the main driven pulley and re-tighten
the set screw. To make sure the pulley is properly aligned,
you will need to turn the motor “on”. Be careful when turn-
ing it on, as the belt and pulleys will be spinning and are