Measure the “body hook length” in at
least 3 positions around the perimeter of
the can.
Body Hook Length:
MK16s (and MK19s)
.055in - .075in
.072in - .088in
If any of the measurements from the seam inspection aren’t within the
specifications, it may be time to adjust the seamer’s calibrat
Infeed Calibration
If the first or second operation seam thickness is incorrect, you can adjust them
by adjusting the infeed adjuster screws (see diagram) located on the sides of the
To decrease the operation seam thickness, loosen the adjuster screw nut, and
turn the screw counterclockwise.
If the seam is too small turn the screw clockwise.
Each rotation adjusts the thickness approximately .001in.
After adjusting the screw, run the operation again and measure the new seam
thickness. Continue to adjust, test, and re-measure until the seam thickness is
within the specification.