MC360 MFP User’s Guide
Operation > 84
a Telephone
Answering Device
shares the same
telephone line with
the MFP
(Note that this is a
physical answering
machine — not
voicemail features
that are available
through telephone
service providers)
Select this method when the MFP shares the same
phone line with a physical telephone answering
machine (i.e., both the MFP and answering
machine are attached to the same phone line).
The TAD method detects whether an incoming call
is a fax or voice call. If the call is a fax
transmission, the MFP automatically starts
receiving; if it is a telephone call, the answering
machine sequence starts.
There are three TAD options that are set in
Menu->Fax Setup->Basic Setup->TAD Mode.:
Type1: Detects a calling tone and receives after
the TAD goes through its answering sequence.
Type2: Detects a calling tone, does not receive
after the TAD answering sequence.
Type3: Detects a calling tone that starts 15
seconds after the line is picked up during the TAD
answering sequence, does not receive after the
TAD answering sequence (default setting).
Caller-Initiated Fax using Remote Receive:
When the MFP is in TAD mode, a caller can enter
a programmed remote receive number after
leaving a voice message; this enables the MFP to
receive a fax from the caller. The available codes
are 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, **, and
##. To set the code go to Menu->Admin
Setup(Enter the Admin Password)->Fax Setup->
Basic Setup->Remote Receive No. path.