MC360 MFP User’s Guide
Operation > 83
User receives the
fax by pressing the
Start key
When a call comes in while the MFP is in the
Manual receive mode, the MFP will not ring. Since
there is no indication of an incoming call, it is
recommended that a standard telephone handset
be connected to the TEL jack at the rear of the
machine. If a call comes in, the standard
telephone handset will ring, at this time the user
can pick up the handset, if it is a voice call, normal
conversation can commence. If the calling tone of
a sending fax machine is heard, press the grey
Start key to "manually" receive the fax (after you
press the Start key, wait at least 2 seconds before
hanging up the handset).
Switching method
uses one telephone
line for both voice
and faxing
When incoming calls are a mixture of fax and
telephone calls, select the Telephone/Fax method.
The MFP detects whether the incoming call is a fax
or voice call. When the call is from another fax
machine, the MFP will switch to fax mode and
receive the message. When the call is a voice call,
the MFP will ring like a telephone. If you do not
answer, the MFP will switch back to fax mode to
allow the calling party to manually send a fax.
To set the MFP to detect a calling tone while in Tel/
FAX mode set the calling detection option to ON
(go to: Menu->Fax Setup->Basic Setup->CNG
Detection; the default setting is OFF)
Operator-Initiated Fax using Remote
If you have an external telephone handset
connected to the MFP, you can instruct the MFP to
begin receiving a fax by picking up the handset
and entering a 2-digit code on the telephone’s
keypad (after you enter the code, wait at least 2
seconds before hanging up the handset). This
feature is useful when you answer a call on the
external telephone, but need to switch from
telephone to fax mode to receive an incoming fax.
The available codes are 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66,
77, 88, 99, **, and ##. To set the code go to
Menu->Admin Setup(Enter the Admin Password)
-> Fax Setup-> Basic Setup->Remote Receive
No. path.