Send a message: H1 Info.
The controller sends a supply water info from the H1 heating circuit
to your mobile phone that shows current supply water temperature
at the present and the factors effecting supply water control.
The message also includes the measurements which are affecting
the supply water control and the actuator control.
The message cannot be changed or sent back to the controller.
Key words:
H1 info:
--- H1 SUPPLY WATER-------------
According to curve 35.1 °C/
Away -control effect -6.0 °C/
Calculated supply water
setting = 29.1 °C.
--- MEASUREMENTS --------------
Supply water = 35.2 °C
Outdoor temp.= -10.7 °C
--- ACTUATOR CONTROL----------
Actuartor control = 20 %
Factors effecting the room temperature
----- ROOM TEMPERATURE --------------
Room temperature setting
Room temperature setting set by the user.
Time program effect on room temp.
Room temperature drop by weekly or exception schedule.
Away -control effect
Home/Away mode for reduction of room temperature. The trigger can come from
the controller (see Inputs and outputs-> Home-Away-control), from the Home/Away
switch or be sent as a text message.
Force control effect
Room temperature has been forced permanently to the desired reduction in room
temperature (see Control mode selection, p.13).
Effect of autumn drying
Effect of automatic autumn drying on room temperature.
Calculated room temperature
Current room temperature setting determined by the controller.
----- MEASUREMENTS -------------------
Supply water temperature
Current measured supply water temperature.
Outdoor temp.
The measured outdoor temperature. Outdoor temperature data is displayed if the delayed
outdoor temperature is not used in supply water control.
Delayed outdoor temperature
If the heating mode is set to radiator heating, the delayed temperature measure-
ment can be used in supply water control. Typically 2 hours delay time is used
(time can be set in service menu). In supply water control the controller uses de-
layed measurement as an outdoor temperature.
Anticipated outdoor temperature
If the heating mode is set to floor heating, the anticipated temperature measure-
ment can be used in supply water control. Typically 2 hours anticipation time is
used (time can be set in service menu). In supply water control the controller takes
into account the outdoor temperature change rate.
Room temperature
The measured room temperature or room temperature from the bus. The measure-
ment is not necessarily taken into use in all control processes.
Delayed room temperature
The floating average of room temperature. The controller uses this value, when
calculating the room compensation demand (the delay time of room temperature
measurement is adjustable, default 0.5 hours).
Return water temperature
Presents measured return water temperature.
----- ACTUATOR CONTROL ---------------
Actuator control
Current actuator control.
Actuator control 1 (2)
Current actuator 2 control. If serial-driving is in use, actuator 1 will first open the
valve and the controller will then start up actuator 2.
Actuators control
50 % means that the valve 1 is totally open and the valve 2 is totally closed. 100% means
that both valves are open.