3000 Series Indicators
. Compliance
Complance to the followng standards s ndcated by the correspondng mark on the product.
Ths product conforms to the EMC drectve 2004/108/EC, the Low Voltage Drectve 2006/95/EC and the
Non-automatc Weghng Instruments Drectve 90/384/EEC. The complete Declaraton of Conformty s
avalable from Ohaus Corporaton.
AS/NZS4251.1 Emsson, AS/NZS4252.1 Immunty
UL60950-1: 2003
EC Emissions Note
Ths devce comples wth EN55011/CISPR 11 Class B Group 1.
Important notice for verified weighing instruments
Weghng Instruments verfed at the place of manufacture bear one of the precedng mark on the packng
label and the green ‘M’ (metrology) stcker on the descrptve plate. They may be put nto servce mmedately.
Weghng Instruments to be verfed n two stages have no green ‘M’ (metrology) on the descrptve plate and
bear one of the precedng dentfcaton mark on the packng label. The second stage of the ntal verfcaton
must be carred out by the approved servce organzaton of the authorzed representatve wthn the EC or by
the natonal weght & measures (W+M) authortes.
The frst stage of the ntal verfcaton has been carred out at the manufacturers work. It comprses all tests
accordng to the adopted European standard EN 45501:1992, paragraph 8.2.2.
If natonal regulatons lmt the valdty perod of the verfcaton, the user of the weghng nstrument must
strctly observe the re-verfcaton perod and nform the respectve W+M authortes.