OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
10. Make sure “With Pressure” is selected and “With Pressure Control” is
not. Pressure monitoring is available on the Benchtop Consistometer, but
pressure control is not.
11. Click “Finish” then “Save”.
12. The main screen shows all units added to the PC. For each one it shows
the type of equipment, name, slave ID, COM port, and data archive path.
Units with “[R]” after their name are currently running a test.
Right-click on a unit and select “Launch” from the menu.
13. Select “Setup” from the “Options” menu.
14. Select units for Temperature (°F or °C), Consistency (Voltage or Bc), and
Pressure (PSI, KSI, or kPa).
15. Choose an “Archive Path”. This is the folder where all test data will be
16. Choose a “Chart Logo File”. This is the logo that will print on the report at
the end of a test. This file must be in .jpg format.