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In the following cases you should
consult your doctor before using
this product:
– skin conditions or injuries in the
area of application, particularly
where signs of infl ammation are
present, such as redness, tempera-
ture increase or swelling
– feeling of numbness and circulato-
ry problems in the area of applica-
– problems with lymphatic drainage
as well as unexplained swelling
Material composition
76.5 % polyurethane
11.75 % polyamide
11.75 % polyester
85 % polypropylene
15 % fibreglass
100 % EVA
– severe ankle sprains
– stable foot or ankle fractures
– immobilisation before and after
– ruptured Achilles tendon (high
version of Walker only)
Side effects
There are currently no known side
effects for any part of the body
if this product is used correctly.
How ever, if the product is too
tight, this can cause local pres-
sure points or constrict blood
vessels and nerves.
Please note
– The initial adjustment and
strapping on of the product must
be carried out by qualified speci-
alist staff.
see page 6
– If the product has to be worn
in combination with other pro-
ducts, then please discuss this in
advance with your doctor.
– If you experience an unpleasant
sensation, intense pain or any
other problem when wearing
the product, then contact your
doctor or specialist supplier im-
– We use a comprehensive qual-
ity management system to
check our products. However,
should there still be reasons for
complaint, please contact your
specialist supplier.
– The product should be washed be-
fore being used for the fi rst time.
– Detach the removable padding
from the splints before washing.
Please be sure to avoid pulling
off the Velcro strips on the splints.
The splints can be cleaned with a
moist cloth.
– Wash the textiles by hand at a
maximum temperature of 30° C.
Use a mild detergent without
softener (e. g. Ofa Clean special
detergent) and rinse the product
out well. Carefully squeeze the
water out without wringing out
the product.
– Mould the product into the right
shape and air-dry it. Do not dry the
product in the dryer, on a radiator
or in direct sunlight and do not
– In order to maintain the quality
of your product please do not use
any chemical cleaning products,
bleaches, petrol or fabric softener.
Do not apply any fatty or acidic
creams, ointments or lotions to the
skin in the usage area. These sub-
stances can irritate the material of
the product.
– Store the product in a cool dry
place away from sunlight and
heat and preferably in the original
Do not use softener!
Care instructions
Hand wash
Do not bleach
Do not put into a dryer
Do not iron
Do not dry clean