Important notes
Air Walker
The Dynamics Air Walker
optimum immobilisation for the foot and
the lower leg after injuries or operations.
Individually regulated air chambers are
incorporated for the correct embedding of
the ankle area. The non-slip tread and the
rounded outsole make walking safe and
Fitting instructions
The fi tting instructions in pictures can be found on the fold-over page at the beginning of the
Please note:
The hygienic cover provided is for indoor wear only and is to protect upholstered furniture and beds.
Please put on the Walker while sitting, and , if neces-
sary, put on the stocking provided. To put on the Walker,
open all Velcro fasteners and the textile cuff. Place your
leg in the cuff so that your heel is in contact with the
back of the Walker.
First close the Velcro fastener of the cuff over your in-
step, and then close the toe fl ap. Then close the cuff at
your shin. Now put on the front plastic splint by Velcro
fastening it to the cuff.
Then close the Velcro tapes from top to bottom by
passing them through the corresponding eyelet and
then Velcro fastening them. Please ensure that to pre-
vent pinching the product is secure but not too tight.
The Walker must feel comfortable.
Finally, the air cushions are adjusted to the required
pressure. In order to do this, attach the light tip (“In”)
of the provided air pump to the blue valve and infl ate
the air cushions as required. Please do not over-ex-
pand the cushions when doing this.
Before taking off the Walker the air should be let out
again by attaching the black pump tip (“Out”) to the
valve and pumping out the air. This will make the
Walker easier to put on and take off, and will avoid
over-expanding the air cushions.