Water Filter
The cartridge filter is arranged in the water inlet and must be inspected prior to
start up. Change filter cartridge, if needed.
Supply of polluted water or dirty strainer will cause severe damage on
the pump and unloader valve.
Frost Protection
Proper frost protection of the machine during storage and transport is
essential, in order to avoid severe damages and consequently dangers
during operation..
The best frost protection is to store the unit in a permanently frost-free
If there is a risk of frost during storage and/or transport, the machine to
be protected as follows:
2 l of a 1 : 1 water/frost protection liquid to be mixed in a clean
vessel, water connecting hose to be dipped into vessel, pump to be
Spray pistol to be opened and frost protection liquid to be returned
into the vessel, so circulating the liquid through the system.
Spray pistol to be opened and closed several times, in order to also
fill the unloader valve with the liquid.
High pressure pump to be stopped, all hoses to be disconnected.
Machine is now protected against frost of approx. – 30 °C.
Ignoring the above instructions will cause severe damages on the
entire system.
In order to avoid pollution of the environment, frost protection
liquid must not be dumped, but collected and reused respectively
disposed as per relevant regulations.