Observator Instruments
Copyright 2019
Page 28
Statistical via polled-mode:
To obtain a statistical measurement via Polled-mode, the logger needs to send “Sensor ID” and
“stat” followed by carriage return [0x0D]. Please refer to the command below:
sensor_id, stat[enter(hex’D”)]
To obtain desired statistical output, the user must configure built in statistical package settings
using the PC configuration software.
The built in statistical package can provide up to 100 data-point statistical analysis of single
Auto-range turbidity measurements. The User must decide the best configuration according to
the application.
The User can customize the measurement period and statistical length of the analysis by
changing following parameters:
1. The measurement period
When using Auto-range, the measurement period must be about 4 seconds and the
single range measurement period must be above 2 seconds.
2. Statistical data-length
The final statistical analysis time depends on statistical data-length multiplied by the
measurement period.
!"#$% '#$#('#()$% *+$%,'(' #(-. = (1.$'23.-.+# 4.3("5 × 7#$#('#()$% 5$#$ %.+8#ℎ) + <$%)2%$#("+ !(-. (4 '.)"+5')
Figure 8.2.2.C: Polled mode address
Statistical Measurement via polled-mode as legacy NEP-395:
This command may output a series of single reading turbidity measurements and then
automatically calculate its statistical output. This is identical to the NEP-395.
Please refer to the command below:
sensor_id, mesu[enter(hex’D”)]