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The ‘GT120THU maintenance manual’ explains about periodic inspection and maintenance of GT120THU, and
about repair when it has an operation failure.
It is of vital importance, before maintenance of the engine, to read this manual and adhere to the advice contained
herein. The “SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS” (below) must be read first.
(1) The power of the engine is capable of harming you, or others, if it is misused or abused. As an owner you are
responsible for the safe operation of the engine, so act with discretion and care at all times.
(2) The advice which follows is grouped under two headings according to the degree of damage or danger which
might arise through misuse or neglect.
WARNING-These cover events which might involve serious (in extreme circumstances, even fatal) injury.
ATTENTION- These cover the many other possibilities, generally less obvious sources of danger, but which, under
certain circumstances, may also cause damage or injury.
① Never touch, or allow any object to come into contact with the rotating propeller and do not crouch over the
engine when it is running.
② Gasoline is poisonous. Do not allow it comes into contact with the eyes or mouth. Always store it in a
clearly marked container in a cool and dark place and out of reach of children.
③ Gasoline is highly flammable. Keep it away from an open flame, excessive heat, sources of sparks, or
anything else which might cause it to ignite. Do not smoke or allow anyone else to smoke near to it.
④ Carry out mixing of gasoline and oil outdoors or in a well-ventilated place away from any source of fire.
⑤ Refill the fuel tank only after the engine is well cooled down, or there is a danger of fire.
⑥ The engine generates considerable heat. Do not touch any part of the engine until it has cooled down.
⑦ Never operate your engine in an enclosed space. Internal combustion engines exhaust deadly carbon-
monoxide. Run your engine only in an open space.
⑧ Do not move the operation system of the engine or UAV aircraft alone or there is a possibility of injury.
⑨ Make sure (at least more than 2 people) understands the engine instruction clearly when getting ready to
operates the engine or there is a possibility of injury.
⑩ When adjusting the output of regulate rectifier, make sure it matches the voltage of power supplies, or it
could bring a danger of fire.
⑪ Do not charger the battery while the regulator rectifier is working since it could bring the danger of fire.
Observe the laws and regulations in each country and district concerning the usage, transportation and storage
of gasoline. Ask details at fire station in each district.
① Follow the instruction of each manufacturer and pay attention to using or assembling propeller, drive and
rotor. Otherwise there is a possibility to make them damaged.
② Start the engine after mounting it to the aircraft, or there is a possibility of injury.
③ Be sure to use an effective silencer. Frequent exposure to an open exhaust may eventually impair your
hearing. Such noise is also likely to cause annoyance to others over a wide range.