To get the current log level, type the serial command “log_level” without any arguments.
SHELL>> log_level
log_level none
Figure 63. Get log level command
Serial debug messages are disabled by default but can be enabled using the “log_level <none|error|debug|info|verbose>” serial
command. Whichever mode is enabled, it also enables the receipt of all levels of message “above” the level specified. For
example, the command “log_level debug” also enables the receipt of error level messages as well.
SHELL>> log_level debug
Log_level set
Figure 64. Set log level command
To receive debug logs, a USB to UART converter must be connected to the physical UART of the RT117F MCU accessible from
the expansion header J202 located on the back of the kit. The MCU UART uses 3V3 signals so make sure that your probe is
compatible/configured for this voltage. The figure below shows how to connect the UART probe.
Some USB-to-serial adapters already include an internal 3V3 source and do not require the 3V3 connection to the
VIZN3D board. Check your adapter documentation to avoid malfunction.
Figure 65. Get log level command
With the USB to UART probe connected, use a serial terminal emulator like PuTTY or Tera Term and connect to the COM port
associated with the USB to UART convertor using the [115200, 8, 1, N, XON/XOFF] serial settings shown below:
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SLN-VIZN3D-IOT Kit User Guide, Rev. 0, 01 November 2021
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