6.3.4 Rename users
The “rename” command can be used to rename a user already registered into the database. To do so, simply use the command
“rename user_ID newusername.” Below is an example of the command being used.
SHELL>> rename 0 Cooper
Update was successful
Figure 49. Rename registered user
6.3.5 Manually save users into flash
Registered faces are automatically saved into flash to ensure user access after a board reset or power cycle. However, if the
autosave feature has been disabled (refer to the software developer's guide), the "save" command can be used to manually store
registered users into flash. Users are saved in the order that they were added and a success message is returned when the
command finishes running.
SHELL>> save
Saving users to flash…
User list saved
Figure 50. Manually save all registered users into Flash memory
6.4 Display configuration
The SLN-VIZN3D-IOT kit comes pre-assembled with the Rocktech RK024HH298 VGA portrait 2.4 inch parallel TFT screen, but
the graphical interface for the Smart Lock application can also be pushed over USB to a computer screen similar to a regular USB
web camera device.
Figure 51. Rocktech RK024HH298
To activate the USB Video Class (UVC) and display the camera output with the graphical interface of the Smart Lock application
on a computer screen, type the command “display_output UVC” in the serial terminal. After issuing the command, a reset of the
board using either the “reset” command or physically power cycling the board is required for the change to take effect.
SHELL>> display_output UVC
Display output set. Reset the board for the change to take effect.
SHELL>> reset
Figure 52. Enable UVC video output command
NXP Semiconductors
Additional features
SLN-VIZN3D-IOT Kit User Guide, Rev. 0, 01 November 2021
User Guide
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