NXP Semiconductors
PN7462 family Quick Start Guide - Development Kit
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User manual
Rev. 1.6 — 14 May 2018
22 of 120
4. Hardware overview of the PNEV7462C board
4.1 PNEV7462C board concept
The basic concept of the PNEV7462C board is to enable hardware and software
evaluation of typical PN7462 family design and to support prototyping own antenna
circuitry. The supporting NFC Cockpit tool enables antenna tuning, DPC calibration and
the related TX and RX optimization in run time.
After successful optimization, register settings can be stored in the EEPROM as well as
saved in configuration file and used as input in design time.
available on the product page, ranging from POS
demo, contact and contactless CCID reader, P2P application, NFC forum related
examples, are customized primarily for PNEV7462B/C board and supported by
MCUXpresso, Keil or IAR development tools.
4.2 PNEV7462C board overview
Fig 23. PNEV7462C board
The board consists of the following blocks:
1. PN7462AU circuitry with reset and download pushbuttons and power configurations
2. External power supply connector (5.5/2.1 socket) and power supply selector
3. Power supply status LEDs for 3.3V and 5V
4. Antenna matching circuit and antenna connector
5. 65x65mm antenna coil
6. HIF (host interface) SPI, I2C and USART pins
7. SWD interface (10-pin Cortex debug connector)