© NXP Semiconductors 2017
JN-UG-3121 v1.1
A.1 Carrier Boards
The two carrier boards (part number: OM15028) supplied in the development kit are
physically identical. They are both pre-fitted with an Arduino-compatible expansion
board and a JN5179-based module with integrated antenna (see
Each Carrier Board has the following features (also refer to
JN51xx module site containing two connectors (J1 and J2)
Arduino-compatible connector (in four parts - CN1, CN2, CN3, CN4)
34-way expansion header (J3)
10-way JTAG debug header (J6)
USB Mini B port for JN51xx module programming or UART connection
FTDI FT232 driver chip for USB port
On-board 4-Mbit Flash memory device (connected to SPISSZ line of module)
On-board 32-kHz crystal oscillator (connected across DIO9 and DIO10 of
module but not routed to Arduino-compatible header)
2 hexagonal apertures for push-through antennas
Reset button (labelled RESET)
User-input button (labelled GPIO4 and connected to DIO4 of JN517x module)
8 ultra-low-power LEDs (D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D10, D11, D12)
6 jumpers for board configuration (JP1-JP6)
Powered from one of the following (see
4 AAA batteries on the board
External 5-12V DC supply via 2.1mm connector
External device via USB Mini B connector