ISD2360 Design Guide
Release Date: Nov 20, 2014
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Revision v1.14
Device Status
The ISD2360 status can be acquired by querying the
. After receiving a READ_STATUS command, the ISD2360 ChipCorder
continues to send back the device status byte and the interrupt status byte in turn, as long as
the master provides the clock.
During an SPI transaction, the ISD2360 continually sends back its current status via MISO.
When executing an SPI command or a Voice Macro command (refer to section 7.3 for details
of Voice Macro) script, the ISD2360 continually updates its device status register bits. Upon
completion of an SPI command or a Voice Macro command, the ISD2360 updates its
interrupt status register bits.
Device Status Register
During an SPI transaction, for all commands except digital reading commands, the device
status byte is sent back from device via MISO for every byte of data sent to the ISD2360.The
details of the device status bits are shown in Table 4-1
Table 4-1 Device Status Register Description
Status Byte
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
The individual bits of the Device Status Register refer to the following conditions:
If this bit is set, the device is powered down. The DBUF_RDY bit will be low.
When PD is high, only the READ_STATUS, READ_INT and PWR_UP
commands are accepted. If any other command is sent, it is ignored and no
interrupt for an error is generated.
In Power Down status, this bit is low indicating the device can only accept a
PWR_UP (power up) command. When PD is low, this bit reflects the state of
the RDY/BSY pin.
Indicates that an interrupt has been generated. The interrupt is cleared by the
READ_INT command. The Interrupt type can be determined by the bits of the
Interrupt Status Byte.
When high, this bit indicates that channel [x] is in one of the following
- Processing a Voice Macro
- Processing a Voice Prompt
- Channel is waiting to process existing command in command buffer
- GPIO command is pending
Once set, Channel [x] will not respond to a new audio command until it returns
When high, this bit indicates that the Flash controller is still processing a digital
memory access. For device erase commands, such as ERASE_MEM and
CHIP_ERASE, the user can poll this bit to determine if the erasure is complete.