The system squeals when the
intercom is being used.
Optional Electronic Chime Module
(IA-28 or IA-29) does not operate
or operates at a low level.
Electronic chime can't be heard
through the remote stations.
Call tone volume at a Remote
station is too loud.
The station in the adjacent room(s)
is mounted on a common wall (back
to back).
Loose ground connection.
Interference from household
electrical fixture.
Interference from household
electrical appliances.
Wire installation.
Wire installation.
Improper volume setting.
Wire installation.
Wire installation.
Improper volume setting.
Improper volume setting.
A dimmer or fluorescent light may cause interference. For
dimmer or fluorescent light interference, use filters (G.E.
89G635 or equivalent, purchase locally).
Correct interference at the source: fishtank heater, hand
tools, coffee pot, etc.
Check all wiring in the system: Remote stations, chime, and
transformer connections at the master and connections at
remote stations.
Be certain the chime is properly connected to the master.
Also, be certain the front, side and rear buttons are properly
connected to the chime board.
Adjust the volume of the chime module by turning the
volume potentiometer located on the chime module behind
the 4-pin ribbon cable connector.
Check the door terminals on the chime module by shorting
the common terminal to each of the door terminals front,
rear and side. The chime should play.
Be certain the electronic chime is properly connected to the
master electronic chime input screw terminals.
Adjust the I-COM trimpot located on the electronic chime.
Use the *1# control function to adjust volume. Refer to
"Station Call Tone Volume" in the homeowner's
If the remote stations have been mounted back to back,
one of them will have to be relocated. If the stations are on
a common wall, place fiberglass insulation behind each
station or isolate the station from the wall by placing rubber
washers or weather stripping between the station and the
wall surface.
Check the ground connection to the master and the
connection to earth ground.
*IMPORTANT: Be certain the system has been disconnected at the main power source prior to setting the code switches.
Powering the system up will allow the station identification to be effective.