The Gas Valve Offset Pressure is factory set for Natural Gas; units converted to Propane
must have the offset pressure field adjusted. Offset pressure must be checked during each
annual service for all applications.
Improperly adjusted Gas Valve Offset Pressure will result in incorrect combustion leading to
burner damage or excessive Carbon Monoxide concentrations causing property damage,
personal injury or death.
3.0 Labeling
As the certified installer of the LP Conversion Kit, you must indicate on the boiler that it has been converted for use
with Propane (LP) Gas:
Update Rating Plate Decal
– Locate the rating plate decal on the side of the appliance, using a regular ink pen,
check the box next to “Field converted to Propane Gas” and fill in the date; depress hard enough to permanently
etch the decal (see Figure 3-1).
Conversion Decal
– Fill out the required information on the Conversion Decal (included in this kit) and affix it to
the boiler cabinet adjacent to the rating plate decal, and in a location where it can be easily seen (see Figure 3-2).
Figure 3-1 Update the Rating Plate Decal
Figure 3-2 Conversion Decal
March 29, 2016
John Smith