Connect Sensors
1. Connect the desired sensors (ENVIROMUX-T, RH, or TRH- sold separately) to the available ports on the ENVIROMUX-
MINI. Plug the RJ45 connectors to either of the two ports marked "TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY". The ENVIROMUX-T,
RH, or TRH sensors can be secured anywhere that the temperature and/or relative humidity need to be sensed. Power-
cycle the ENVIROMUX-MINI after sensors have been plugged-in.
Note: Mounting the sensor in the path of a fan or on a heated surface may affect the accuracy of the sensor’s readings
Note: For best results, use the ENVIROMUX-T-IND with model ENVIROMUX-MINI-IND (see Sensors, page 11).
Figure 3- Connect sensors to ENVIROMUX-MINI
2. Connect the optional liquid detection sensor (ENVIROMUX-LD- sold separately) to the terminals marked "WATER" or to the
terminals marked “CONTACTS”. The two-wire cable provided can be extended to a total cable length of up to 1000 ft using any
two conductors (minimum 18AWG for 1000 feet).
The twisted orange sensing cable should be placed flat on the surface (usually the floor) where liquid detection is desired. If tape
is required to hold the sensor in place, be sure to only apply tape to the ends, exposing as much of the sensor as possible. At
least 5/8" of the sensor must be exposed for it to function. (See Figure 4)
Figure 4- Secure liquid detection sensor with tape