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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C104958.002 / V04
Technical alterations reserved!
Read the safety information in the chapter "Safety" before installation. To assemble the displacement
sensor system, proceed in the following order:
4.1 Assembling the displacement sensor
4.2 Assembling the driver (oscillator/demodulator)
4.3 Connect the components together
4.4 Setting up the measuring chain and the displacement sensor
The displacement sensor system is complete (se
e “Table 3-1) Components included in scope
The overall length of the measuring system neither exceeds nor falls below the nominal length.
The required clearances and the width of the measuring track are considered
(8.3.2 Properties of the measuring track und 8.3.3 Required clearances and minimum
distances for displacement sensors)
Required clearances and minimum distances for displacement sensors.
The sensitivity of the target material is known.
Recommended accessories for trouble-free operation:
Install the driver in a housing/control cabinet. For this purpose, the protective driver housings
AC-2126 for up to 3 drivers and AC-2127 for up to 6 drivers are recommended.
Use shielded signal wiring (preferably AC-1112) between the driver and connected electronics.
The connection cable has to be heat-resistant at least + 85 °C.
Install the sensor cable between machine housing and driver housing in a protective steel
Install the sensor cable between machine housing and driver housing in a protective steel