NV-DVR1104/CD, NV-DVR1108/CD and NV-DVR1116/CD ver. 1.1 - user's manual
All rights reserved © NOVUS Security Sp. z o.o.
Records range and current playback progress information are displayed above the playback speed
controller. In an example shown below the file includes records from 2006 31 August 10:09:38
to 2006 31 August 10:28:45, and currently records, from 2006 31 August 10:28:04, are played.
Display screen change is available during playback using following icons:
In some screen divisions (e.g. 2*2) each additional icon press will display following camera’s groups:
1234, 5678, etc.
Double click on camera image toggles between full screen mode and last displayed screen mode.
It is possible to define maximum cameras quantity, depending on multiplexer model i.e. for
NV-DVR1108/CD 11 and 16 screen division can be locked. In order to define maximum cameras
menu should be entered and required channel number should be set in
Max Channel
position .
13.3 Flash memory backup converting to JPEG or AVI file format
When playback is run it is possible to capture single JPEG images or AVI sequences.
In order to capture single image, right mouse button should be clicked on the camera image,
"CamNo0x" Image
position should be selected and save path should be defined. If
Save "Image
option is selected it is possible to capture single images from all cameras. JPEG file title consists
of recorded channel information. JPEG files can be opened using any graphic program or graphic files
In order to capture video sequence as AVI file
menu should be entered and in
AVI Frame/s
position required frames per second quantity, according to multiplexer’s recording speed, should be
defined. Additionally one of available video codecs, from
AVI Codec list,
should be selected.
According to video codec type and settings various AVI file quality and size will be received.