Setting Up
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
If non-NLSP devices, such as NetWare 2 servers, are operating on the
attached network and you want the router to accept and broadcast
RIP packets received from these devices, select
Auto is the default state.
If you want to customize RIP operation further, configure one or more of
the following parameters:
Because the default settings for these parameters are suitable for
most RIP-based IPX networks, you should change them only for a specific
purpose. Misconfiguring these parameters can increase routing traffic or cause
loss of connectivity on your network.
Periodic Update Interval —Measured in 30-second units, determines
the interval at which RIP packets are transmitted through this
interface. The default value is 2 (60 seconds).
Each router on the network segment to which this router is attached
must use the
value for the Periodic Update Interval .
Aging Interval Multiplier —Controls how long the router keeps route
information received through this interface. The product of this
parameter and the RIP Periodic Update Interval specifies how long
the router keeps route information from periodic RIP updates
received through an interface.
Increasing the Aging Interval Multiplier slows the rate at which the
router ages the routes in its Routing Information Table. This is
necessary to keep routes that might otherwise be aged out of the
routing table because of dropped RIP updates.
The default value for the Aging Interval Multiplier is 4. For
example, if RIP packets are sent every 60 seconds (Periodic Update
Interval equals 2), the router keeps the route information for 240 (60
x 4) seconds without refreshing it.
Each router on the network segment to which this router is attached
must use the
value for the Aging Interval Multiplier .
Pace Override —Specifies the maximum number of RIP packets that
can be sent each second through this interface. The default—and
maximum—pace for RIP packets is 9 pps.
The default value for this parameter is 0, which means do not
override the current pace.