Internetwork Packet Exchange
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
somewhere, the link will not come up. After the link comes up, other services and
routes can be accessed.
For more information about routed and static on-demand calls and related
topics, refer to
How to Configure Routed or Static On-Demand Calls
Before you begin, you must complete the following tasks:
Configure at least one on-demand WAN call destination.
Configure a minimal set of routes and services for key server access.
To configure a routed or static on-demand call, complete the following steps:
Load NIASCFG, then select the following parameter path:
Select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing > Bindings
Select an on-demand call.
If you are modifying an on-demand call that has already been
configured, select one from the list.
If you are configuring a new on-demand call, press
and choose a
call from the list of available calls.
The WAN Call Destination Entry screen is displayed.
Select WAN Call Destinations .
Select a WAN call destination from the list of configured calls, then do
one of the following:
To configure a routed on-demand call, select
Routed On Demand
the pop-up menu, then proceed to
To configure a static on-demand call, select
Static On Demand
the pop-up menu, then proceed to
By default, on-demand calls are static, and routing traffic over an on-
demand call is disabled.