Internetwork Packet Exchange
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
If you selected Configure Local Routing Tables , complete the following
steps; otherwise, continue with
A progress screen appears while the local system reads the currently
configured routes and services.
After the Locally Configured Routes screen appears, you can remove
items from the routing table by highlighting or marking the entries and
pressing Del .
Press Ins to add static routes or services to the local routing table.
A progress screen appears while the local system gathers information
from the remote router.
The Selectable Routes and Services screen appears. The routes and
services listed here are from the remote router's table. The list shows
only the routes and services that are not already present in the local
router's table.
Mark the routes or services you want to add to the local routing table.
Use the following keys to mark your selections:
F5 —Marks the current entry.
Tab —Marks all entries that have the same network number as
the currently highlighted entry.
F6 —Lets you use wildcard characters (* and ?) to select entries.
If you use F6 , the Select Wild Card Marking Option screen
appears. You can select Match Service Names or Match
Network Numbers . After you make a selection, the Enter
Pattern for Matching screen appears, enabling you to enter the
name or number pattern and wildcard.
Press Enter .
The Select Currently Marked Routes and/or Services? screen
If you selected Configure Remote Routing Tables , complete the
following steps:
A progress screen appears while the local system gathers information
from the remote router.