1.2.1 LPAR
If you install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z into a separate logical
partition (LPAR), allow SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to use a special part of physical
memory in your system. Also decide how many processors are used by SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server. In this mode, you can run different operating systems simultaneously
on your IBM System z system.
1.2.2 z/VM
Running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z in z/VM means that SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server is a guest system within z/VM. An advantage of this mode is
that you have full control over SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from z/VM. This is very
helpful for kernel development or kernel-based debugging. It is also very easy to add
or remove hardware to and from Linux guests. Creating additional SUSE Linux Enter-
prise Server guests is simple and you are able to run hundreds of Linux instances simul-
1.3 IPL Options
This section provides the information needed to do an IPL for the first installation.
Depending on the type of installation, different options need to be used. The channel-
attached tape, VM reader, and load from CD-ROM or server options are discussed.
Installing the software packages, which is done over the network, does not require the
IPL medium.
1.3.1 ESCON or FICON Attached Tape
IPLing from a channel-attached tape is possible on all systems connected to a tape li-
brary. The only prerequisite is that the LPAR in which to install (or allowing z/VM to
run) is allowed to access the tape unit. For this, the
statement in the IOCDS
must have the attribute
Architecture-Specific Information