zSeries 900
Driver 3C, OSA microcode level 2.26
MCLs: J10630.013 and J10630.014 (available May 20, 2002)
zSeries 800
Driver 3G, OSA microcode level 3.0A
MCLs: J11204.007 and J11204.008 (available May 3, 2002)
VM/ESA and z/VM
z/VM 5.2
z/VM 5.1
z/VM 4.4
All necessary fixes and enhancements included.
Level RSU 0402 is required to implement z990 Queued I/O Assist. Find more in-
formation at
Negotiate the order of installation with your IBM support, because it might be necessary
to activate the VM APARs before installing the new MicroCode levels.
1.1.3 Software
To install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server via non-Linux–based NFS or FTP, you might
experience problems with NFS or FTP server software. Especially the Windows standard
FTP server can cause errors, so installing via SMB on these machines is generally rec-
To connect to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system, one of the following
methods is required:
SSH with Terminal Emulation (xterm compatible)
SSH is a standard Unix tool that should be present on any Unix or Linux system.
For Windows, there is an SSH client called Putty. It is free to use and is included
on CD 1 in the directory
. Get more information about Putty
Architecture-Specific Information