Chapter 1
EuroPak-15ab Receiver User Manual Rev 1
Digital Electronics Section
The digital section of the receiver receives a down-converted, amplified GNSS signal which it digitizes and
processes to obtain a navigation solution (position, velocity and time). The digital section consists of an analog-
to-digital converter, a 32-bit system processor, memory, control and configuration logic, signal processing
circuitry, serial peripheral devices, and supporting circuitry.
The digital section performs the translations and calculations necessary to convert the IF analog signals into
usable position and status information. It also handles all I/O functions, including the auxiliary strobe signals,
are described in detail in
Section 2.3.1
Page 29.
For input and output levels please see
Appendix A,
Technical Specifications
Page 112.
Antenna or Signal Generator
The purpose of the antenna is to convert the electromagnetic waves transmitted by the satellites into RF signals.
An active antenna or a signal generator is required for the receiver to function properly.
Power for an antenna LNA is supplied by the receiver.
Principal Power Supply
A single external power supply capable of delivering 20 W is necessary to operate the receiver. See
A, Technical Specifications
starting on
Page 112
for details.
If the voltage supplied is below the minimum specification, the receiver will suspend
operation. If the voltage supplied is above the maximum specification, the receiver may
be permanently damaged, voiding your warranty.
1.10 Data Communications Equipment
A PC or other data communications equipment is necessary to communicate with the receiver and, if desired, to
store data generated by the receiver.
1.11 External Oscillator
The receiver requires an external 10 MHz oscillator connection in order to operate correctly. See also
Figure 3,
Typical Receiver Installation
Page 28