Novak Electronics, Inc.
Instruction Manual
the frequency at which the information is being sent from the ESC to
the motor (how many times per second the motor is being cycled on
and off to control its speed). Changing the Drive Frequency setting
can be a valuable tuning asset for different types of motor and track
This setting is measured in kHz. Ten preset selections are available in
the drop down menu.
Increasing the Drive Frequency setting will require more initial trigger
movement to obtain a given amount of forward drive. This will make
the throttle feel smoother. The setting is also useful for light vehicles
as they will accelerate more controllably under initial drive.
ESC Temp Protection
The speed control has built-in Thermal Overload Circuitry to protect
the ESC from damage resulting from excessive temperatures. If the
ESC starts to overheat, this sophisticated circuitry will turn off the
electronic motor timing advancement. If the ESC’s temperature
continues to rise, the circuitry drops the ESC’s power output to 25%
allowing you to safely maneuver your vehicle off of the track.
There are two settings in the ESC Temperature Protection. Selecting
"On" (default and highly recommended) enables the Thermal
Overload Circuitry. Selecting "Off", disables the circuitry.
Note: Damage resulting from the ESC overheating is not covered under the
products warranty.
Independent Drag Brakes
This feature allows the speed control to have the Drag Brake value
either linked to the Minimum Brake setting or independently adjusted.
There are two settings with Independent Drag Brakes. Selecting "Off"
(default) will tie the Minimum Brake to the Drag Brake value if Drag
Brakes are set to a value higher than Minimum Brake. Selecting "On"
will allow the Drag Brake and Minimum Brake settings to be
independently adjusted.
Minimum Brake
Minimum Brake is the amount of brake applied with the first pulse of
transmitter throttle information.
This setting is measured as a percentage of full brakes. Twelve preset
selections are available in the drop down menu. Custom values can
entered in increments of 0.1%*
Increasing the Minimum Brake setting starts the braking at a
stronger/higher level. This is useful for heavier vehicles, minimizing
the amount of trigger throw required before effective braking is
applied. Minimum Brake can also be increased in high traction
conditions when more braking is needed quicker.
Minimum Brake is featured in red in the chart below. You can control