Covering all models up to and including Mk. IlI
Original Text: T. R. Stevens
Collation: AI Osborn
These service notes are based on the parts list and are intended to supplement it and the workshop manual. They
were written by Mr. T
R. Stevens for the club magazine Roadholder, and appeared in it from Sept/Oct '74 to May/
June '77, he group numbers referring to the groups in the parts list. When collating these notes I have taken the
opportunity to edit and update them where time and experience have dictated improvements. Further assistance from
T.R.S. and Mr L. Emery being used, while not inconsiderable extra notes have been added by our President Mr. J.
Mr T. R. Stevens was Quality Engineer and then Service Engineer at Norton Villiers Andover 1970-74, he is at
present lecturer in Motorcycle Engineering at Merton Technical College.
John Hudson worked with the Norton Development Shop from 23rd January 1955, initially as a fitter tester, finally
leaving the NVT complex in the summer of 1976 at its abolition. Voted as Life Honorary Member of the Club and
President for the second time in Sept 1970.
Les Emery, member of NOC since 1971, rose to National Committee in 1973 as Membership Secretary. He then
took charge of the spares scheme with regard to the twin cylinder machines.
Al Osborn joined the Club in 1970 rising to National Committee level as Assistant Editor in 1972, later becoming
Chairman from 1974-77.
Les Emery. 37 Albion Street. Rugeley. 5tatfs. Tel: (09984) 3974.
T.R.S, Test-rides a Fastback.
Diagram; by T.R.S. and Richard Graham (North London).
Front cover:- 1971 Fastback
Rear cover:- 1972 Fastback. now with Roadster upswept exhaust system.
The opinions contained (in these service notes are entirely -those of the authors. They have no endorsement from
any Norton factory, N.V.T., Norton Andover. or any such organization.
Notes in italics have been added for this edition by Alan Osborn, 9 Chapel Road, W. Ealing. London, W.13, from
whom further copies are available.