GROUP 13:- The oil tank
THE OIL TANK is not over engineered. The mounting rubbers fail regularly because:
1. They are under strain due to the mudguard fouling the hoses and connections.
2. They are rot oil proof.
3. They are usually fitted twisted.
If they are left broken the oil tank can't fall out but as the tank flops about the strain falls on the bottom
fixing which can split out of the tank bottom. (Then the stain falls on the garage floor.) About the chain
oiler the least said the better, but I suppose it does stop one side of the carrier going rusty.
THE OIL FILTER is fitted on the return from the engine to tank, not as shown in the parts list, so that
there is no tendency for a clogged filter to starve the oil supply. The element is interchangeable with
elements from Citroen 2CV cars and Simca 1100s-the Simca unit is a bit longer than the Citroen job but
the thread and so-on are identical. Fancy a Commando having metric threads!
0IL: For those interested in monograde oils, SAE 40 SE or SD is preferable, if you can get it, to
multigrade (20w!50) (SAE 30 SE/SD for below 0°C. SAE 50 SE/SD for above 32°C ambient.) normal
multigrade would be preferable to a cheap monograde ac it would be without the additives denoted by
The SE or SD. Running in will take up to 1200 miles on a monograde before full 'economical' oil
consumption can be expected.
PANNIER & TOP BOX WEIGHTS: The factory recommends no more than 25 lbs. in the top box. No more
than 40 Ibs. in panniers (evenly distributed) or 40 Ibs. total to maintain factory tic-signed handling stability
(nicely put!).
A fine example of the 1971 Fastback, only a few of which had the two-tone rank. Owned by Paul Bennett