102 Connecting the LAN Interface Units to the System
Practice 450-1011-201
Connecting an LIU to the System
To connect an LIU directly to the cross-connect panel, proceed as follows:
(1) Locate the six-conductor Teladapt cord shipped with the LIU.
(2) Plug one end of the cord into the assigned Teladapt jack. This may be a jack on
the office cross-connect panel, or one connected to the building wiring. (Refer
to the provisioning tables in the Site Records, 450-1011-152, for assignments.)
(3) Run the cable to the LIU and plug it into the rear of the LIU. (See Fig. 11-3.)
Removing an LIU from Service
To remove an LIU from service, make sure all port personalities on the LIU and the
LIU itself have been courtesied down in System Administrative Services first.
(Courtesying down is a function in SAS that allows software and hardware units to
be taken out of service individually, without interfering with other functioning
units.) For procedures for removing an LIU from service, see the Guide to System
Administrative Services, 450-1011-301.
Figure 11-3
LIU-to-Teladapt Connection
3-Pair Twisted
Telephone Cable