The NORTEC delivered parts should be checked
against the Designer’s drawings and parts list to
ensure the correct quantity of the correct part numbers
are available.
If a drawing for the proposed system was not
supplied, then it is recommended that one be created
prior to installing the system. With reference to the
AIRFOG Engineering Manual, Form #XX-216, review
the site where the nozzle system is to be installed.
The location of equipment, lights, pillars and other
structures should be drawn on the floor plans. The
proper selection and location of the nozzles is very
dependent upon these obstructions. Figure #1
(“Typical Nozzle Layout”) can be used as a guide for
identifying the various components used with a
The supply and feed lines for the system should
be kept in straight unobstructed lines where possible.
Air and water distribution network pipes are to be
installed level along walls, pillars or hung from the
ceiling. Avoid placing the lines over top of equipment
and other areas which will make it difficult to gain
access at a later date. If the lines have to be routed
around an obstacle such as a beam, always go under
the obstacle, never over it.
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