7. Spare-parts list
8. List of options
Detailed drawings of spare parts with their article number
are available from both your NORDMANN representative and the
All options can be fitted either at the factory or subsequently.
(Pat. pending)
Self-cleaning system for electrode humidifiers of NORDMANN.
Proportional adaptor
Allows the steam output of the NOVAP 3000 humidifiers to be set
anywhere between 20 and 100%. The proportional adaptor can be simply
inserted onto the electronic controls unit.
Step adaptor
Allows the steam output to be regulated in 2, 3 or 4 stages. The adaptor is
simply inserted onto the electronic controls unit.
Steam output indication
With five LEDs, it indicates the level of steam output in % of nominal
capacity (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%). The option for double units is equipped
with an output indication for each cylinder.