1. Insert the key into the console.
2. Personalize console settings if desired.
TINGS on page 13.
3. Insert an iFIT Card and select a program.
To use an iFIT program, insert an iFIT card into
the iFIT slot; make sure that the iFIT card is ori-
ented so the metal contacts are face-down and
are inserted into the iFIT slot.
Next, select an iFIT program by pressing the iFIT
increase or decrease button. When an iFIT pro-
gram is selected, the display will show the name
of the program, the maximum incline setting and
the maximum speed setting of the program, and
the program time. In addition, a profile of the
speed settings of the program will appear in the
Each iFIT program is divided into several one-
minute segments. One speed setting and one in-
cline setting are programmed for each segment.
Note: The same speed setting and/or incline set-
ting may be programmed for two or more consec-
utive segments.
4. Press the Start button to start the program.
A moment after the button is pressed, the tread-
mill will automatically adjust to the first speed and
incline settings of the program. Hold the handrails
and begin walking.
5. Select a display mode and monitor your
progress with the display and the intensity
level bar.
When an iFIT program is selected, the console of-
fers three display modes (see step 6 on page 15).
Press the Display button repeatedly to select the
desired display mode.
If the first or second dis-
play mode is selected,
a profile of the speed set-
tings of the program will appear in the display. A
small arrow below the profile will indicate your
During the program, the voice of a personal trainer
will guide you through the workout. You can adjust
the volume or select an audio setting for your per-
sonal trainer (see HOW TO PERSONALIZE CON-
SOLE SETTINGS on pages 13 and 14).
If the speed or incline setting for the current seg-
ment is too high or too low, you can override the
setting by pressing the Speed or Incline buttons or
the Intensity buttons; however, when the next seg-
ment begins,
the treadmill will automatically ad-
just to the speed and incline settings for the
next segment.
To stop the program at any time, press the Stop
button. To restart the program, press the Start but-
ton. The walking belt will begin to move at 2 Km/H.
When the next segment of the program begins, the
treadmill will automatically adjust to the speed and
incline settings for the next segment.
6. Turn on the fan if desired.
See step 8 on page 16.
7. When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the console.
See step 9 on page 16.
CAUTION: Always remove iFIT cards from the
iFIT slot when you are not using them.
iFIT Slot
iFIT Card