(Nokka Machines Division)
Nokka Oy (the manufacturer) grants its products a warranty for the period of 6 months
from the delivery date of the machine to the customer. However, the warranty is
applicable in compliance with the policy only to claims submitted to the manufacturer
within 3 years of the delivery date of the product to the representative of the factory or
The warranty applies to shown defects in manufacturing, raw material, and materials.
The warranty covers replacement of a damaged part to which the warranty applies, but
does not cover any additional damage caused by it to other than the machine itself, nor
does the warranty cover any indirect damage or loss. Such indirect damage or loss can
consist of costs incurred from interruption of work or transport, rental fees of
replacement machinery, etc.
The parts covered by warranty will be delivered, at the expense of the purchaser, to the
country to which the machine was originally delivered. The warranty covers neither the
costs incurred from import, nor the internal cargo costs thereafter.
In unclear cases, the warrantor is entitled to request that the part, for which a claim has
been submitted for repair, be returned to the factory for warranty proceedings with
additional information enclosed as requested by the manufacturer. In such cases the
manufacturer is liable for the return freight.
The warranty does not cover defects caused by normal wear and tear, negligence,
intent, incorrect installation or use, overload, or defective service. The warranty is not
applicable to parts subject to wear and tear such as tyres, hoses, couplings, filters,
power cables and seals. Nor does the warranty cover damage caused to the machine
by fire, traffic incident, or other accident.
A condition of the warranty is a certificate of delivery and warranty completed at the
time of delivery. Additionally, in order to avoid any further damage, a written notice must
be submitted to either the manufacturer or its representative without delay and always
prior to the end of the warranty period. A precondition for applicability of the warranty is
also that the parts used in other repairs performed on the machine are original or
approved in advance by the manufacturer in writing.
The following information must be enclosed with the warranty claim: type of machine,
vehicle identification number, delivery date, name and address of purchaser.
The warranty is not applicable if the original machine or its purpose of use has been
altered, or if any optional equipment has been attached to it without written permission
from the manufacturer.
The warranty becomes void if the machine is transferred from one owner to another
during the warranty period.