Write down the serial number of your grapple loader in the space provided below. You
will find the serial number on the label placed on the left-hand side of the vertical boom.
Serial number __________________________
If the forestry trailer is not in use, it's working condition and resale value can be
maintained by proper storage. Clean the machine and repaint any worn or rusty spots
carefully before putting it into storage. Lubricate all greasing points and apply a thin
layer of lubricant on places which cannot be painted or greased.
The place for storage should be a dry and cool space.
Before cleaning, disengage the hydraulic drive and stop the tractor engine. If a loader is
mounted on the forestry trailer, set the boom so that it cannot sink during storage.
Take extra care when dismantling the machine. Make sure the dismounted machine
parts and the oil are taken to appropriate collection spots.