Troubleshooting - RF
CCS Technical Documentation
Page 6
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 06/2003
1 Current (0.7 - 1 A for max power, mode, and channel dependent).
2 Perform visual inspection of PWB under microscope to check proper placement,
rotation, and soldering of components.
3 Look for presence of TX signal on spectrum analyser at the correct frequency. If
signal is not on frequency, check in 100 MHz span. If signal is present but off-
frequency, check synthesizer. If signal is not present, or present but low in ampli-
tude, use probing tables to determine where in the chain the fault occurs, with
AGC PDMs set for known transmit power as listed in the tables.
4 Check that AGC PDMs are set for desired TX power and ensure AGC voltages are
5 Check the LOs for proper frequency and amplitude.
6 Ensure power supplies to transmitter have correct voltage.
Receiver Not Working Properly
If Receiver is not working properly, turn on receiver in local mode and check:
1 Turn on receiver with Phoenix, inject a signal into the receiver.
2 Check the AGC PDM.
3 Perform a visual inspection of the PWB under a microscope to check proper
placement, rotation, and soldering of components.
4 Measure signal levels at various points in the chain and determine where in the
chain the fault lies.
5 Check the LOs for proper frequency and amplitude.
6 Ensure power supplies to receiver have correct voltage.
Phone Cannot Make a Call
If phone won't make a call:
1 Ensure phone is in normal mode (
ensure the phone is searching for a signal,
net server is on).
2 Ensure Preferred Roaming List (PRL) is loaded into phone.
3 Ensure phone is tuned (read tuning parameters using Batch Tune component in
Phoenix, an untuned phone will have all zeros in tuning file), and has passed tun-
4 Ensure call box channel is set for a channel in PRL, and ensure SID is correct.