1. Tap Messaging.
2. To read a message, tap a conversation.
Tip: To prevent others from accidentally seeing notifications about your messages on the lock
screen, swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap All settings > Personalization >
Lock screen > Choose an app to show detailed status > none.
If you’re unable to open a multimedia message, check the following:
• Your mobile subscription supports multimedia messages.
• Your data connection is turned on.Swipe down from the top of the screen, tap All settings >
Network & wireless > Cellular & SIM, and switch Data connection to On .
You can send text messages that are longer than the character limit for a single message. Longer
messages are sent as two or more messages. Your service provider may charge accordingly.
Characters with accents, other marks, or some language options, take more space, and limit the
number of characters that can be sent in a single message.
Save an attachment
Tap the attachment, such as a photo, and tap .
Delete a conversation
Tap Messaging > , select the conversation you want to delete, and tap .
Delete a single message in a conversation
Tap a conversation, tap and hold the message you want to delete, and tap delete.
Delete all messages in your phone
Tap Messaging > > > Select all > .
Reply to a message
Don't keep your friend waiting – reply to the message straight away.
1. Tap Messaging.
2. Tap the conversation containing the message.
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