The availability of payment methods depends on your country of residence and your network service
4. If you're not signed in to your Microsoft account, sign in now.
5. Follow the instructions shown on your phone.
Tip: If downloading fails, check that the time and date are set correctly.
When the download is complete, you can open or view the item, or continue browsing for more
For more information on an item, contact the publisher of the item.
Tip: Use a Wi-Fi connection to download large files.
Tip: In the Store main view, you can see a notification at the top right corner of the screen on
how many of your downloaded apps, games, and other content have updates.
Tip: If your kid’s phone is running Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile, you can use the My
Family website to manage their game and app downloads and settings. To set up My Family, go
to account.microsoft.com/family, sign in to your Microsoft account, and follow the
This feature is not available in all languages. For more information on feature and service
availability, go to support.microsoft.com, and browse to the instructions for Windows phones.
The availability of apps and games may depend on your kid’s age.
See your ongoing downloads
Tap Store > > Downloads and updates.
View your downloads and updates
See all the items downloading to your phone, and check for the latest updates containing important
bug fixes and new functionalities for your apps. While an item is downloading, you can continue to
browse Store for other content and add items to be downloaded.
To view the status of your downloads, in the Store main view, tap > Downloads and updates.
Tip: If you need to, for example, temporarily close your internet connection, you can pause your
downloads. To pause an individual item, tap , and to resume it, tap . If a download fails, you
can re-download the item.
Check for updates
To see if there are any updates available for your apps, in the Store main view, tap > Downloads
and updates > Check for updates:. To install available updates, tap Update All.
Write a review for an app
Share your opinion on an app with other Store users – rate and review the app. You can post one
review per app that you download.
1. In the apps menu, tap and hold the app, and tap Rate and review.
2. Rate the app, and write your review.
Tip: You can rate and review your other items in the same way.
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