For the alarm to sound, your phone must be turned on.
Tip: You can quickly see the time of the next active alarm if you have pinned the Alarms &
Clock app to the start screen. The tile size must be at least medium.
Use your favorite song as your alarm tone
Connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable, and use the file manager of your PC to move the
song you want to the Music folder in your phone. To set the song as your alarm tone, tap Alarms
& Clock > > Sound > Pick from my music > This Device > Music, and select the song for your alarm
You can also choose music uploaded to your OneDrive.
You can use a song as your ringtone if it is not protected with digital rights management (DRM), and
it’s smaller than 30 MB.
Your PC must have Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or later.
Snooze an alarm
If you don’t want to get up just yet, when the alarm sounds, tap Snooze. Before snoozing, you can
change the snooze time.
Turn an alarm off
Tap Alarms & Clock, and switch the alarm to Off .
Delete an alarm
Tap the alarm and delete.
Update the time and date manually
If you don’t want your phone to update the time and date automatically, you can also set them
1. Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap All settings > Time & language > Date &
2. Switch Set date and time automatically to Off , and edit the time and date.
3. Switch Set time zone automatically to Off , and change the setting for Time zone.
Tip: To change how dates are shown, swipe down from the top of the screen, tap All
settings > Time & language > Region > Regional format, choose your region, and restart
your phone.
Change the clock to the 24-hour format
Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap All settings > Time & language > Date &
time. Switch 24-hour clock to On .
Update the time and date automatically
Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap All settings > Time & language > Date &
time. Switch Set date and time automatically to On .
Update the time zone automatically when traveling abroad
Swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap All settings > Time & language > Date &
time. Switch Set time zone automatically to On .
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