the SUPER mode has deactivated itself due to a manoeuvre or change in the
main mode.
Status: ON.
The SUPER mode is activated
Heel angle mode
This mode allows you to maintain a constant heel angle. It can be activated when
following a set-point in compass, apparent wind, true wind or polar mode. This mode can be
set on the displays:
Leeward limits:
maximum leeward set point deviation in degrees that the skipper
allows to follow the heeling angle instruction
Windward limits:
maximum windward set point deviation in degrees that the skipper
allows to follow the heeling angle instruction
: value given to the heel angle instruction follow-up. The higher the gain, the less
the autopilot is tolerant to heel angle variations. Caution: a very precise follow-up of
the heel variation can have consequences on the regularity of the boat's trajectory. It
is, therefore, a matter of finding the best gain compromise.
Gust mode
The gust mode allows you to react at the helm during a gust. It can be activated when
following a set-point in compass, apparent wind, true wind or polar mode. This mode can be
set on the displays:
the maximum set point variation in degrees that the skipper allows to counter a
: value given to counter a gust The higher the gain, the less tolerance the
autopilot has to variations of wind speed and the faster he responds to a gust.
Caution: a very precise follow-up can have consequences on the regularity of the
boat's trajectory. It is, therefore, a matter of finding the best gain compromise.
period of time over which the gusts are detected. The larger the time window,
the more the gust mode will react to long gust periods.
The tiller is a pilot operating mode using a joystick. To use it, the autopilot must be activated.
If the joystick is activated, the autopilot automatically switches to TILLER mode. If the joystick
is deactivated, the autopilot automatically switches back to the previous mode.