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BKI 11 ATEX 0012 X
Adding, modifying a calibration point
The following special screen helps the user to set a calibration point. The user can see the
uncalibrated measured values and also the pair values of the selected table line.
Value, measurable without sensor calibration
Trend display for monitoring installation.
The upper part of the bargraph symbolizes the increasing trend, the bottom part of
the bargraph symbolizes the decreasing trend. The filling rate is in accordance with
the measure of change. If the bargraph is empty, the measured value is constant.
Measured value with calibration.
The BUFFER VALUE is editable using the , and buttons. The user has to
enter the nominal pH value of the measured buffer solution.
The measured value can be copied to the stored SENSOR VALUE by pressing the
+ buttons simultaneously. Then the software starts an algorithm to check if
the measured value is stable or not. When the value is stored in the SENSOR
VALUE field, a READY message appears on the bottom of the display.
The measured value can be copied to the stored SENSOR VALUE by pressing the + buttons simultaneously. If the two values of the data pair differ in more
than ±0.8 pH from each other the software shows an error message at the bottom line of the screen.
By pressing the
button the instrument checks the edited calibration data pair and if it is OK the software returns to the calibration table. If not a dialogue window
will appear and inform the user.
Exit from the calibration table by pressing the button.
Damping check:
When pressing the + buttons the software checks if the calibration value to be stored is constant. After the buttons are pressed the measured pH value must
be stabilized in 30 seconds otherwise the value will not be stored and a FAILED! message will appear on the screen. Change in the measured value (1) can be
followed on the trend bargraph (2). If the cause of a fluctuation or error is eliminated, storing of the calibration points can be repeated by pressing the +
buttons again.