Ma y cause inflamma tion if it enters the eyes.
Protective eye-wear should be used when handling to
prevent entry into the eyes.
Skin contact may cause inflammation. Protective
gloves should be worn when handling to prevent
contact with the skin.
May cause discomfort if mist or vapor is inhaled.
Breathing apparatus should be used when handling so
that mist or vapor should not be inhaled.
Dilution should be carried out in accordance with the
Instruction Manuals.
Keep it out of reach of children.
Do not drink it.
(3) Emergency Treatment
If it has entered eyes, immediately open the eyelids as
wide as possible and wash thoroughly with water for
at least 15 minutes. If there is in
ammation, consult a
physician and follow the instructions.
If it has contacted the skin, wash immediately with
soap and water. Soiled clothing should be removed
and laundered thoroughly before re-use. If there is
inflammation, consult a physician and follow the
If mist or vapor has been inhaled, immediately transfer
the patient to fresh air, cover his/her body with a
blanket and keep warm and quiet. Consult a physician
and follow the instructions.
If it has been ingested, immediately give copious water
and induce vomiting. Consult a physician and follow
the instructions. If the patient is unconscious, do not
administer water or induce vomiting.
(4) In Case of Fire
For a
re in the vicinity, wear protective equipment and
extinguish the
re approaching from the windward side
with foam, powder or CO
re extinguishers.
(5) Method of Storage
Seal after use to prevent admixture with dirt and/or
Store in a cool dark place away from direct sunlight
and rain.
(6) Method of Disposal
Disposal of undiluted and diluted fluid should be
handled as waste
uid in accordance with the law by
a waste disposal specialist.
Wash water should be treated by pH adjustment,
flocculation and settling, activated sludge treatment,
activated carbon absorption, etc., and discharged in
accordance with municipal standards.
Since empty containers contain dregs, they should be
handled with care.
(7) Other
If transferred to other containers for use, the names
of chemicals used in the workplace and the labeled
contents should be displayed and kept together with
the Instruction Manuals ready for immediate perusal.
Anyone wishing to have further details may request
product safety data sheets from manufacturer.
The inscribed details are based on currently available
information and data and updated by new knowledge.
Items to be noted are aimed at normal handling.
Where special handling is involved, safety measures
appropriate to the application and method of handling
should be implemented.
The inscribed details are submitted for your information
and do not imply assurances or acceptance of
(1) Use Nitto genuine blue Cutting Oil.
Cutting performance and life may be reduced when other
Cutting Oils are used.
(2) Dilute the Cutting Oil in the proportion of eight to ten
times with tap water.
Do not use well water for dilution.
(3) Put the cutting oil in the supplied jet oiler and connect
to the universal elbow of the machine using a tube of 4 ×
7 × 1000. (Fig. 21)
Jet Oiler
(Fig. 21)
Universal elbow