Engine System
Service Manual – PBU Propane Floor Burnisher
Set the idle mixture “regulator screw” to the base
setting of 1/4” (6.4 mm)
from the top of the
regulator housing to the top of the screw head as
2. Connect a tachometer. Start the engine and
warm it up. (3100 rpm maximum for 4 minutes)
Push throttle back to idle speed. The idle speed
should be 1,600 –1,700 RPM. If not correct adjust
the idle stop screw on the carburetor.
1/4 In.
Idle Stop Screw
Tools required:
• Pulse tachometer
• 3/32 and 3/16 inch Allen wrench
• Phillips screwdriver
• Hammer
• Exhaust gas analyzer
• Punch - large
LP Regulator Replacement - After Serial Number 3000083760
After replacing the regulator, the idle mixture “regulator screw” must be adjusted and capped off. Correct
adjustment requires the use of an exhaust analyzer.