If the rack is already present, once the gearmotor has been fastened, use the adjustment dowels as shown in Figure 8 to set the pinion of
ROAD200 to the right height, leaving 1÷2 mm of play from the rack.
Otherwise, in order to fasten the rack the installer must:
6. Release the gearmotor as shown in paragraph “Release and manual movement” of Chapter “Instructions and Warnings for users of the
ROAD gearmotor”
7. Open up the leaf completely and place the first piece of the rack on the pinion. Check that the beginning of the rack corresponds to the
beginning of the leaf, as shown in Figure 9. Leave a 1÷2mm play between the rack and the pinion, then fasten the rack to the leaf using
suitable means.
In order to prevent the weight of the leaf from affecting the gearmotor, it is important that there is a play of 1÷2mm between
the rack and the pinion as shown in Figure 10.
8. Slide the leaf and use the pinion as a reference point to fasten other elements of the rack.
9. Cut away the exceeding part of the rack.
10. Open and close the gate several times by hand and make sure that the rack is aligned with the pinion with a maximum tolerance of 5mm.
Moreover, check that the play of 1÷2mm has been respected along the entire length between the pinion and the rack.
11. Thoroughly tighten the two fixing nuts of the gearmotor making sure it is well fastened to the ground. Cover the fixing nuts with the rela-
tive caps as shown in figure 11.
12. Fix the two “Opening” and “Closing” limit switch brackets with the relative dowels to the outer sides of the rack as shown in Figure 12.
Consider that the leaf will slide for about another 2÷3cm after the limit switch cuts in. The brackets should be positioned at a sufficient
distance from the mechanical stops.
13. Lock the gearmotor as shown in paragraph “Release and manual movement” of Chapter “Instructions and Warnings for users of the
ROAD gearmotor”.
3.3) Installation of the various devices
If other devices are need, install them following the directions pro-
vided in the corresponding instructions. Check this in paragraph “3.5
Description of electrical connections” and the devices which can be
connected to the ROAD200 in Figure 1.