Press the button on the NEW radio transmitter and hold it down for at least 5s, then release it.
Press button on the previously memorized transmitter slowly 3 times.
Press the button on the new radio transmitter once slowly.
At this point the new radio transmitter will be recognized by the receiver and will assume the characteristics of the previously memorized one.
If there are other transmitters to be memorized, repeat all the steps above for each new transmitter.
Table 11: for the “Remote” memorization of a transmitter
4.7.3) Remote” memorization
A new radio transmitter can be memorized without directly operating
the buttons on the receiver. You need to have a pre-memorized oper-
ational radio transmitter. The “new” radio transmitter will inherit the
characteristics of the old one, i.e. if the old radio transmitter was
memorized in Mode 1, the new one will also be memorized in Mode
1. In this case, during the memorization stage you can press any but-
ton on the two transmitters. If, on the other hand, the old transmitter
was memorized in Mode II, the new one will also be memorized in
Mode II: you must press the button on the old transmitter which cor-
responds to the desired command, and the button on the new trans-
mitter to which you wish to associate that command.
Remote memorisation can occur in all those receivers
which are within range of the capacity of the transmitter.
Therefore, only the one involved in the operation should
be kept switched on.
Holding the two transmitters, position yourself within the operating range of the automation and perform the following operations:
Press the radio button on the control unit and hold it down
Wait until the radio LED lights up, then wait until it goes off, then wait until it has flashed 3 times
Release the radio button precisely upon the third flash
If the procedure is successful, after a few moments the LED will flash 5 times.
Table 12: to delete all the radio transmitters
4.7.4) Deleting the Radio Transmitters
This is the most important stage in the automation system installa-
tion procedure in order to ensure the maximum safety levels. Testing
can also be adopted as a method of periodically checking that all the
various devices in the system are functioning correctly.
Testing of the entire system must be performed by
qualified and experienced personnel who must establish
which tests to conduct on the basis of the risks involved,
and verify the compliance of the system with applicable
regulations, legislation and standards, in particular with
all the provisions of EN standard 12445 which establishes
the test methods for automation systems for gates
5) Testing and commissioning
5.1) Testing
Each component of the system, e.g. safety edges, photocells, emer-
gency stop, etc. requires a specific testing phase. We therefore rec-
ommend observing the procedures shown in the relative instruction
To test ROAD200 proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the instructions outlined in this manual and in partic-
ular in chapter 1 "WARNINGS" have been observed in full;
2. Using the control or stop devices (key-operated selector switch,
control buttons or radio transmitter) test the opening, closing and
stopping of the gate and make sure that the leaves move in the
intended direction.
3. Check the proper operation of all the safety devices, one by one
(photocells, sensitive edges, emergency stop, etc.). In particular,
each time a device is activated the “OK” LED on the control unit
flashes 2 times quickly, confirming that the control unit recognizes
the event.
4. To check the photocells and make sure that there is no interfer-
ence with other devices, pass a 5 cm diameter, 30 cm long cylin-
der on the optical axis, first near TX, then near RX and finally at
the mid-point between them and make sure that in all these
cases the device is triggered, switching from the active to the
alarm status and vice-versa; finally, that it causes the intended
action in the control unit, for example that it causes the reversal
of the movement during the closing manoeuvre.
5. If the dangerous situations caused by the movement of the leaf
have been safeguarded by limiting the force of impact, the user
must measure the impact force according to EN Standard 12445.
If the adjustment of the “speed” and control of the “motor force”
are used to assist the system for the reduction of the impact
force, try to find the adjustment that gives the best results.