Control unit parameter configuration
Enabling prevention with open doors/windows:
(normally ena-
bled in accordance with EN 50131). If any doors/windows are open,
this function prevents the alarm from enabling until all the door/win-
dows protected with MNMC have been closed.
Isolated devices:
selecting the devices from the list allows for ex-
cluding them from the system; this function is used to allow mainte-
nance activities or when the device is faulty.
Alarm time (seconds):
the time during which – in case of alarm –
the sound signal is activated through the MNSC, MNS, MNSI sirens
and the siren mounted on the control unit itself.
Exit time (seconds):
delays enabling of the alarm from the moment
the command is given for the set time.
Radio monitoring enabling:
(normally enabled in accordance with
EN 50131). All the system’s devices are monitored at regular inter-
vals; the control unit detects in real time the status of the connected
devices, emitting warnings in case of faults, and the battery charge
Radio interference time (seconds) / Network absence time /
Wi-Fi absence time:
in case of radio interferences, power outages
or loss of Wi-Fi connection for a duration exceeding the set time, the
function activates the signals on the display and, after 10 seconds,
the sending of alerts to enabled users.
Enable duress function from touch screen:
the duress function
allows – by entering a specific PIN – for simulating the alarm system’s
disabling with the discrete sending of calls or alarm alerts to enabled
users and security agencies.
It is obtained by 1 to the last digit of the PIN, for example
PIN: 11111 duress function activation code 11112 or PIN 11119
duress function activation code 11110. In case of error, calls can be
disabled by entering the correct PIN within 30 seconds.
Enable duress function from TAG:
allows for activating the duress
function though the use of the transponder with the control unit or
Chime time (seconds):
duration of the sound signal and/or voice
message 2 recorded in the sirens.
Stand-by time (seconds):
adjusts the time of the touch screen’s
entry into stand-by mode
after the last operation.
Display brightness:
adjusts the display brightness.
Volume of voice messages:
adjusts the local message reproduc-
tion volume.
User functions
Full enabling, disabling and partial enabling:
determines the ar-
eas that the user can enable or disable through the control devices.
Enabled user:
if active, it indicates that the user is enabled to use
the alarm system. It must be disabled for users who cannot normally
access the home but who can receive aid alerts, for example night-
time surveillance.
Enable direct access through the control unit:
allows the en-
abled user to access the control unit via a telephone call from the
memorised number, without entering the PIN.
Enable direct management via app:
allows the enabled user to
connect to the control unit remotely and control it through the MyN-
ice World app.
Management of alerts via app - Management of alerts via SMS
- Management of alerts via voice messages:
allows the user to
receive only the selected alerts.
Enable e-mail management:
allows the enabled user to receive
alerts via e-mail at the entered address.
Paired smartphones:
displays the smartphones associated with
the user.