2.1.1) Motor connection
The single-phase asynchronous motor powered by the electrical
mains must be connected on terminals 1-2-3-4 (DOWN, COMMON,
“DOWN” is controlled by the
key on the remote control, and “UP”
by the
key. (anemometer intervention direction).
If the rotation direction is not correct, invert the terminals 1 and 3.
do not connect more than one motor to each control unit;
if necessary, use the appropriate expansion cards.
2.1.2) Power supply
The main supply to the unit must be connected using the terminals 5-6-7 (earth, phase, neutral) as shown in Fig. 4
The TT1 control unit enables the control of a single-phase asynchro-
nous motor powered by the electrical mains, with “COMMON” “UP”
“DOWN” type connections, and used for the automation of awnings,
rolling shutters and similar fixtures.
The control unit incorporates a radio receiver operating at a frequen-
cy of 433.92 MHz, with rolling code technology that guarantees high
levels of security. Up to 30 transmitters (“ERGO” fig. 1, “PLANO” fig.
2) or radio-controlled sensors (“VOLO S RADIO” fig. 3) can be
memorized for each control unit. After each command, the motor is
powered for the operating time required. An electric limit switch
incorporated in the motor stops the movement when the desired
position is reached. The programming can be done directly from the
transmitters, with beeps that sound to guide users through the vari-
ous phases. “VOLO S RADIO” climatic sensors (Fig. 3) enable users
to manage the movement of the awnings or rolling shutters auto-
matically, depending on the wind, sun or rain conditions.
Besides “ERGO”, “PLANO” and “VOLO S RADIO”, the control
unit can manage other kinds of transmitters and functioning modes,
too. Please refer to Chapter 4 “Additional information” for further
The TT1 control unit is suitable for the control of a single-phase asyn-
chronous motor powered by the electrical mains and used for the
automation of awnings, rolling shutters and similar fixtures.
Any other use is improper and prohibited. The unit must be installed by
qualified technicians in compliance with the electrical and safety regula-
tions in force.
1) Product description
2.1) Electrical connections
Carefully follow all the connection instructions, if you have
any doubts do NOT make experiments but consult the rele-
vant technical specifications sheets which are also available
on the web site www.niceforyou.com
An incorrect connection may cause serious damage to the
control unit.
2) Installation
The electrical systems and automations must be installed by
qualified and experienced personnel in compliance with current
legislation. Before you proceed to make any connections make
sure that the power supply is disconnected.
1. Strip the motor cable and the power supply cable about 3 cm
and then the single wires approx. 5 mm.
2. Open the container by removing the “cable cap” as shown in fig. 5.
3. Thread the two cables through the designated holes in the “cable
cap” (see fig. 6).
4. Pull the card a few centimetres out of the container (see fig. 7).
5. Connect the wires to the terminals as shown in fig. 8, observing
the diagram in fig. 4 and the operations described in chapter 2.1.
6. Fold the cables as shown in fig. 9.
7. Push the card inside the container, make sure that the stripped
length of the cable is fully inside the container, then slide the “cap”
until the container closes completely (see fig. 10)
8. The control unit can be fitted directly in the shutter/awning box,
double-sided tape can be used for this. To avoid the risk of water
leaks it should be positioned with the cables towards the bottom
as shown in Fig. 11. Do not place it with the cables towards the
top (Fig. 12).
Do not perforate the container.